The Midlife Crisis of a Perfect Woman by Bela Gary.
Author: Bela Gary

The Wordicle’s Author’s Leak presents

Bela Gary and her book “The Midlife Crisis of a Perfect Woman.”

See what the author has to say about her fascinating book, The Midlife Crisis of a Perfect Woman.

From the author, Bela Gary:

“I’ve been writing since I was a teenager, starting with my diaries (which I still have—they are embarrassingly comical) and eventually writing short stories. I always wanted to write a book but could never get myself organized.

Then came the pandemic. The quiet, the great pause. And my book just came together. I wrote feverishly, weaving together things I had written over the years and combining them with my new story—my personal journey through a very intense spiritual awakening.

My goal is not fortune, fame, or bestseller lists (although I wouldn’t complain!). My biggest hope is that the book resonates with as many people as possible and has a meaningful impact on their lives. I went through a dark night of the soul and awakened parts of myself I had never known existed. I realized I was highly intuitive and was exceptionally gifted at reading people. Examining my fears, my dark side, and accepting those aspects of myself finally brought healing. I now understand that self-love is truly the most important kind of love.

There is some truth in my book, as well some fiction, although not everyone can see right away what is real. Even the fiction could in fact be true. What was once magic is now science. Take a look at quantum physics—so many amazing discoveries and still so many mysteries to be solved. Who knows? In the future we may discover we can connect and travel to parallel universes.

Ultimately, the book was a catharsis for me. I healed as I wrote about my experience with this man, endings that led to possible new beginnings and back to endings again. It was a deep and powerful spiritual connection that I haven’t been able to explain. It was as if we were bound to each other and the cord could not be cut. I know many have experienced these deep connections, and they don’t have to be romantic. You just know when you meet someone, that feeling, of having known them before. These people come into our lives for a reason—to help us grow, learn, and evolve.”

Thank you, Bela, for that fantastic and insightful Author’s Leak. Please support Bela by reading her fascinating book!

Available on Paperback and Kindle (see preview below).

“You just know when you meet someone, that feeling, of having known them before. These people come into our lives for a reason—to help us grow, learn, and evolve.”

Bela Gary

The Midlife Crisis of a Perfect Woman

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